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The Rise and Fall of a 10th Grade Social Climber - Lauren Mechling, Laura Moser Blech! Apparently being a "cool" student at this school involves: blowing off class and getting drunk in the bathroom, being a bitch to the only person who is nice to you (and then accepting her companionship only after you've nuked your friendship with everyone else), lying repeatedly to your dad, hitting on your dad's graduate assistant, being unable to sleep because you're afraid your new "friends" are going to reject you, spending a night topless gropping the guy you supposedly can't stand (somehow her dad doesn't notice that he never leaves their apartment?), and generally trashing everyone in writing including your supposed friends. All this so that you can be one of the five sophomore "coolies" chosen by the juniors to go on a secret road trip? The most laughable section was when she goes out drinking with her sorority pledge older sister, then gets bitched at because she dances with a high school man-whore because that supposedly will negatively impact her sister's chances of being approved by the sorority.